
The conference will include a large group time of worship and teaching followed by breakout sessions to process the talks and share more deeply with one another. The Saturday session for high schoolers will also include afternoon workshops to get more in-depth teaching on some practical application in topics related to identity, relationships, and relying on one another.

Friday, Feb 7, Middle School



Main Session: The Problem and Solution for Biblical Sexuality – Rev. Max Benfer (see home page for bio)



Breakout Session 1, guys + dads

  • Middle school guys and their dads will gather in small groups to discuss the message and strategies for going forward.


Breakout Session 2

  • Dads will meet to discuss approaches and resources for guiding their sons and others into and through the teen years.
  • Sons will meet to hear a testimony and enjoy some magic and humor

Saturday, Feb 8, 9th Grade & Up Schedule



Coffee & Hot Chocolate – Registration and Check in



Welcome & Worship

The Problem and Solution for Biblical Sexuality (Rev. Max Benfer)

9:00  Session 1: The Problem – Sexual Purity in a World of Moral Decline

Our society has pushed God to the margins, and our sexual lives are reflecting that change.  The church has been called to be pure, but has begun to mirror our society.  How has this happened?  We will look at the story of David and Bathsheba to understand how a godly man can fall so deeply into sexual sin.

10:00  Session 2: The Solution – Pursuing Holiness in a Secular World

Where does sexual purity begin?  It does not begin with changed behavior, but with a changed heart.  Christians are called to be different, but our behavior must flow out of a relationship with the Lord who first lived a life of perfect purity on our behalf, and the internal power of the Holy Spirit.



11:15 am

Breakout Discussion 1

(Assigned groups for guys + Dads  group)

 If you are interested in being a discussion group leader, please send us an email at and let us know of your interest in helping out. 


12:15 pm

Lunch: BBQ by Dan Bradley!


1:00 pm

Workshop Session 1

Guys and dads can choose one – Topics are coming together.  More to follow as we confirm these workshops.

Rev. Max Benfor:  Getting Practical – Daily Steps for Pursuing Holiness 

If a life of purity is the work of the Holy Spirit and not our own, then what are we called to do?  What are some practical steps that we can take to begin living the life we have been called to live?  We will look at the life of Joseph to understand how a godly man can stand strong in the face of sexual temptation.

Mr. Matt Swanson Does finding a wife require an app?  A true Story of dating with and without the internet

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times… it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” Dating is awful… literally the worst… except when it isn’t. I met my wife on a dating website after years of failed dating relationships, but the critical piece to healthy relationships is not selecting the right app, its developing faith, godly character, and a community of mentors to walk with you on your journey towards marriage. Learn to navigate the turbulent waters of dating and set yourself up for a successful marriage.

Mr. Christian Graham:  Jesus and Women

Why did Jesus treat women the way he did?  We will watch Jesus as the Pharisees struggle to learn from him as he interacts with the woman at a dinner party.  Then we will look quickly at one of the things of the things that kept Jesus from falling for temptation. 

Dr. Kevin Galloway:  War Against the Soul: Strategies and Tactics in the Fight for Sexual Purity

According to I Peter 2:11, the sinful passions of the flesh “wage war against your soul”. You and I are locked in combat with a cunning adversary who seeks to conquer or wound us, whether we’re aware of it or not. This workshop will explore gospel-centered biblical strategies and tactics for this crucial fight, with an aim of equipping us to fight well.

Mr. Nate Niewoehner:  The Lies I Believe

Every temptation has a believable lie at its heart. When fighting pornography as men, we like to focus on our habits. We identify actions to avoid temptation and we attempt to execute, but most of us find ourselves slipping right back into it. The question we frequently fail to ask is “what lie am I believing?” For this session, Nate will share from his story and lead a discussion on some of the most common promises and lies of pornography.

Dr. Greg Schrader:  Coffee to Commitment (and everything in between)

Join us as we (geared toward 18 and up) explore the joys and challenges of cultivating healthy, bibilcal relationships, with a special focus on interactions with the opposite sex throughout the various phases of the dating journey leading to marriage.  This workshop offers practical guidance grounded in scripture and provides time fro an open Q&A session to address real-life scenarios, no matter where you are in your relationship journey.  

Dr. Chip Crane:  C. S. Lewis on Sex and Love

This workshop will summarize and expand on what C.S. Lewis wrote across his various works about human sexuality, romantic love, and the Christian virtues of chastity and self-control. Lewis’s refreshing ability to get to the heart of an issue and offer insights applicable to the Christian life can help us understand God’s design in living lives that honor him in our sexuality and in how we love. 

Mr. Dan Angle:  Why Sex, God?

Sometimes we can want answers to the practicals (like the what’s and how’s) of our sexuality, without ever considering God’s perspective on sex- the bigger “why” questions. So why did God design us as sexual beings? Why does sex matter to God? And why should I care? Using a biblical arc of Scripture, we’ll wrestle and explore some of those big foundational questions together to develop a sense of why God wove the Gospel story into every part of your sexual journey. 

Mr. Ben Brewster:  Manly Integrity

Ben will share his personal story of temptations, struggles, and failure as a man, native Marylander, and Marine.  This workshop will focus on the hope he has found in living an honest life in pursuit of Jesus in order to love and lead as a husband, father, and friend.  Highschool and college students who desire a life of manly integrity will be challenged and encouraged.  This workshop is principally designed for high school seniors and college age students.  Maj Brewster previously taught at USNA and will share ideas and principles that he used in discipleship withy many midshipmen.

Mr. Caleb Schrader:  Forging Brotherhood: looking at the necessity of Christian accountability and brotherhood in our lives.

Scripture tells us that we are to confess our sins to each other and admonish our brothers in a spirit of gentleness. In this workshop, we will look at the importance of Christian accountability and brotherhood – regardless of dating or relationship status – and give practical tips for finding and maintaining healthy accountability relationships. We will explore Biblical examples of brotherhood, explore things that help or hurt accountability, and have a short time of Q&A to discuss real world situations. 



2:10 pm

Workshop Session 2

Guys and dads can choose one from the following:

  • The workshops from Session 1 will be repeated in Session 2

3:20 pm

Breakout Discussion 2

  • Guys will gather in their small groups to discuss the large group sessions.
  • Dads and mentors will gather separately to discuss how we shepherd our boys in their identity as men understanding biblical sexuality.

4:30 pm

Closing Session

What is Next?  Taking it home for the long haul

Q&A Discussion with Conference Team



5:00 pm


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